The power of making a house a home.
“I’m going to make everything around me beautiful - that will be my life. ”
One of the more important lessons I took away from my Ayurveda studies, was the understanding of how you digest more than food. You digest everything you take in, every TV show, news story, dramatic facebook post, etc.
Included in this, is definitely the spaces you surround yourself with, and after I started my first classes a year ago, and heard this profound wisdom, I came home and checked in with my surroundings. There was clutter, chaos, and dust bunnies hidden in every nook of our house.
I realized quickly, most of my distractions are because of the excess. I thought this just meant in the house, but as I began to clear spaces, and really put the energy into making them a sacred space in our home; I realized the excess was everywhere. Excess social media time, excess "slack time", excess fires going (metaphorical ones of course).
With each new space I would find that I would let go of the crap taking up space is my brain, with every physical crap taking up space in our house. Crap, such a classy word, right; but I sat for 15 minutes and no other word seemed suffice here. It was all crap, doing nothing but weighing me down.
Okay, enough of that. :) I wish I could include emjois on here.
I will probably always have a project going on here at the house, as something about it really fuels my creative projects for selling. Here are just a few of my favorite sacred spaces in our home. I hope that the documentary team, Steve, & myself will one day do our cribs special for you, because why not? :)
details in the writing nook
Inspiration window for my book, in the writing nook.
teacups of sweetness
Cultivating words
My favorite shelf, which happens to be an antique window
One of maybe 30 dried floral bouquets in the house. It's a small obsession.
Earth treasures
Where I sit and create my natural medicine recipes
Because there can never be enough flowers.
mala nook
one of our bedroom walls
Creating a home to feel like a sanctuary has helped Steve and I both mentally and physically. When illness leaves you bed bound/mostly home bound it makes our surroundings much more important. I consider it a privilege and a blessing to be able to spend my days in this home, with Steve. I will continue to live in gratitude and probably continue to change my surroundings 100s of times. :)