Keep ALS Trendy

By now you have all seen the Ice Bucket Challenge that is viral right?  You probably know it's for ALS right?  Well, maybe.

 Now let me start out  with 5 reasons this #icebucketchallenge to #strikeoutALS has been successful :

1. ALS has never made national news like this before, ever. (Let that sink in)
2. People are paying attention. Like really paying attention. 
3. It's trending to #keeptheiceinthefreezer where people are now donating to ALS. 
4. ALS patients can see and feel the love from everyone. Friends, friends of friends, family, friends families, strangers, etc. It's been amazing to see how many people want to make a video and or donation in honor of Steve.
5. It has proof that when we all come together for a common cause we can move mountains. We accomplished this together. Without each of you who participated this wouldn't be possible. We ARE capable to work together. Even those who think the challenge itself is silly, end up donating, they care about the cause, we ALL AGREE on this : Something needs done about ALS. There shouldn't be so many AMAZING people having to fight for their lives everyday. We are a capable society & this is our chance to make a movement towards good! 

Here's where I think we should go now.  Make more videos about ALS, what it does, show people with ALS, their families, talk about symptoms, talk about how people can help; etc.  Get creative & make sure people understand why it isn't just dumping ice.  Also, donations.  Donate to research, we recommend ALS TDI.  Donate to patients with ALS, guardian angels, etc.  Anyone who has donated us with the #keeptheiceinthefreezer or the #icebucketchallenge we will be donating half of those to ALS TDI.  Let's raise the money needed to fund the research to find the cure!  I am working on a new video soon! 

In efforts of continuing the awareness & research, I want to remind you from a portion of our DVD sales go to ALS TDI.  As well as a portion of our Drive paintings.  

Thank you to everyone who has talked about ALS, talked about HOPEforSteve, shared our story, a video, a personal story, called out powerful people, donated money, etc.  Because of you we have finally gotten the attention ALS has needed for hundreds of years.  This is history you are witnessing.  Thank ALL of you! HOPEforSteve on


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