Organized thoughts (sort of)

Sometimes it takes me a while to blog because I'm unmotivated, or don't have much to write about, or I'm too busy, but this time it's because I've had so much to write about that I needed to get my thoughts organized.  Well at least as much as possible--- So I'm gonna break down some thoughts & some updates as well as I can ;)

First of all yay for fall approaching.  As much as I'm a warm weather girl---I LOVE everything about fall. Love the "cool" not cold weather, love the leaves changing, football, pumpkin everything, boots, tights, fires, festivities, etcetcetc.... With that being said we have lots & lots coming up this fall.  There are some I am unable to write about until after they happen, but I've been asking for prayer for some of these things & and am happy to report the prayers have been working & a lot of these things have been falling into place perfectly! Thank you for constantly sending Steve & I best wishes & praying for us.  I truly believe that it's everyone pulling for us that is helping a lot of things we've been hoping for work out.  So thank you!

So on to the things I can write about.

An amazing friend Lori, is throwing the HOPEforSteve Golf Tournament which takes place October 20th @ 1:00 PM.  Steve & I are so appreciative of every ones help with these amazing fundraisers.  It's truly heart warming when I see all the effort & planning people are doing to help us be able to survive financially.  Because of these continued events I am able to do what I need to be doing, taking care of Steve.  Lori is one of the kindest people I've met & I am so grateful that she is in my life.  She's a ray of sunshine :)

On Thursday I received a phone call from a med student in Suwanne, GA who doesn't know Steve or I personally but heard of our story & felt compelled to help.  His honors fraternity is planning a fundraiser for Hope for Steve as well in October or November.  He is to be sending me the details to this event this week so as soon as I know the details I will pass them along.

As most of you know we have been in talks of the Fear the beard pub crawl for Steve's 30th.  Steve & I were having the debate of the date because his birthday weekend falls on GA/FL game.  With that I will digress momentarily to tell y'all about our experience at the GA this weekend.  It was one of the best weekends we had in a long time.  We drove up Friday mid day & just spent the day enjoying Athens.  Love love that town---literally everything about it.  That night we went with lots of dear friends to the Georgia theater, which since Steve's graduated they redid.  He is now able to get to every point in the theater & it's amazing!  The bands were all amazing---the company was all amazing---it was a wonderful experience!  After a fun night out with little sleep we then get up for game day!!  Jen & Danny met us at the hotel & we started with bloody marries & continued on.  Danny & Steve then went off to enjoy the game.  It was like saying goodbye to my baby the first day of school or something (not even kidding) when Steve left.  But thanks to Jen & all the girls (& guys) I was able to enjoy some fun time & felt relaxed with Steve knowing he was having fun.  Boy it was a HOT day in Athens but seriously so much fun (for both Steve & I).  Steve & Danny had great seats but right in the sun---however they stayed all the way to the middle of the 4th quarter.  Steve was exhausted after---overly so.  He pushed it to the point that we had to cancel plans on Sunday & even today he's still recovering.  While we love to take Steve on new adventures we don't want him to overdo it.  After this with much thought we decided it's probably best for us not to do GA/FL this year.  With all that ramble: The fear the beard pub crawl will be on his actual birthday Friday October 26th.  Now that we have the date we will start all the plans & will send info out within the next couple weeks.

Update on Steve:  Steve's been doing pretty well actually, he has his days where he doesn't feel 100% or that he is "moody" but through that he is still doing great.  He's been using a cream that his mom & a doctor created for the past few months & it's been helping him a great deal.  It helps with pain or discomfort and also helps when his throat feels tight or even when he has spasms.  The cream has been helping him feel like he is doing his part to help him last longer & we can see the effects.  We've recently decided as a family to put it on the market as more & more people have been using it & requesting it. is where you can go see more about the cream.  (Side note: I've been using the cream myself for when I hurt my back & got my mom & aunt on it as well) We've also been pumping Steve full of healthy fattening foods, lots of vitamins, & enzymes.  Since making the change to healthier foods Steve's been feeling more energized & has noticed some improvements.  We also had an amazing physical therapist, Lauren Polivka volunteer to come teach stretches & tricks we can use with Steve to help him stay more lose & comfortable.  This has helped tremendously.  Steve obviously still needs help with everything he does but with these aids things have been a little easier on him.  We are blessed that he is still able to enjoy all the foods he likes, he is still able to communicate, he is still able to move around & we hope with all these things we've implemented he will continue to be able to do these.

With all that being said---I've been thinking A LOT about happiness.  Without getting on a soap box I want to write a little about this.  As I've said before writing about these things is like therapy to me, so thank you to everyone who reads my rambles & gives me feedback.  I love receiving all the amazing messages, emails, notes from everyone & all the words of encouragement.  A common thing I hear (as does Steve) often from others is how we've been able to encourage & motivate people to live a happier life.  This is one of Steve & my favorite things is reading & hearing these stories from others.  It keeps us going & reminds us that we are helping people with our positive outlook.  I know those closest to us see us on days where we wouldn't motivate anyone---but most days we are on the up.  I appreciate hearing people saying how much they've taken our story & used it to improve their quality of life & I also appreciate seeing it first hand.  I have been thinking more & more about what makes people happy & I had to sort out these thoughts.  So here is my happiness according to Hope ramble. :)  For starters I believe a lot of people don't know what it is that will make them happy.  If you don't know what will make you happy---how do you find it?  Hear me out on this---people have ideas, but often when they do get what they thought was going to make them happy that happiness only lasts for so long.  On the contrary some people I see get it & I've been observing a lot of people & their happiness level & have come to learn a few things.  For starters the saying, you're only as happy as you make your mind up to be---IS TRUE! Seriously though think about it, in life you are OFTEN handed situations you NEVER could have prepared yourself for & while some people think when handed this they can never feel happy again.  Well, why not? Seriously why not?  Of course you can be happy.  I think that if everyone started being more happy with what they DO have & focus less on what they DON'T people would have more happiness.  This doesn't ever mean to stop thriving for more, but be happy with what you do have.  So often people focus on went wrong with their day, what they don't have, what they missed out on & forget to be thankful for what they do have.  It's funny the happiest people I know don't necessarily have the best situations but they made up their mind to be happy.  Everyone is capable of it---it may take some work---everyone is.  I think it's a balance of half knowing what will make you happy  & pursuing them & half of making the best of the unexpected situations that life hands that can help people lead a happier life.  Thank you for continuing to fill Steve & I with so much happiness by being in our lives, visiting us, calling/texting/emailing/mailing us, inviting us to fun amazing adventures, thinking of us, praying for us, & sharing your stories of filling your lives with more happiness.

Also, don't forget to get your Fear the beard shirts---especially if you'll be joining us for the pub crawl.  They are on the website under the donate tab.  Also---please if you do want a tshirt let me know a size, color (pink/grey), & your address.

We love each & every one of you & thank you for adding to our happiness.  Now go find yours :)

Night Ramble


When there's a will there's a way.