A calling...
"Do what you love & you'll never work a day."
Most people spend the majority of their lives preparing themselves for their "job." I like most did the same, and was in school until I was 23. However, I truly believe that with my job it's not something I prepared for, it's something I was called to do. Currently, for those of you who don't know I am working at a drug & alcohol medical detox. On a daily basis when I answer the phone and say, "Thanks for calling new vision this is Hope, how may I help you??" People start out (what is typically a very hard conversation for them) by saying, "What a great name for what you do!"
Now it's true, my name is perfect for my professional life, and I try daily to have it be for my personal life also. I bring people hope, when they come see me. Most people I come in contact with my job (as well as my past jobs since graduating) are at their lowest point. A lot of them are hopeless....my goal restore the hope!
I recently was considering a change of careers, not just a job change but completely stop doing any sort of counseling related job. I revamped my resume, applied to hundreds of places & didn't hear anything. I kept believing it was because it's hard to break into a new industry especially when the economy isn't fully repaired (some places not even close). Then I thought about it, I am good at what I do. I know and understand what I do very well. I have personal experiences that help cultivate the professional work I do. That's not something that should be just thrown away! Maybe I'm not meant to get out of my field. I believe that with hard work & perseverance if something is meant to be God will guide me in the right direction for it to be. So here I am, reevaluating my life goal AGAIN (which I won't get on a tangent on this because it's a whole blog in itself) and realized I need to stick with my calling.
Hope is not a dream, but a way of making a dream reality!